Case Studies

Case Study 1 - Kelly

“Losing my job and my home was horrible. I was shaking and crying because I thought I might end up sleeping rough”

How our advice helped Kelly*

Kelly, 33, lost her job as a hairdresser in March and applied for Universal Credit. She was a lodger in a shared house and, with no savings to fall back on, she quickly fell into rent arrears and was evicted. Citizens Advice Doncaster Borough supported her to access an emergency grant while she waited for her Universal Credit application to be approved. She found a new flat and received an advance to tide her over until she received the first full payment, but the experience left her shaken.

Case Study 2 - Robbie

“I don’t sleep at night worrying about my debts, I am scared to open the front door in case its a bailiff coming to take my belongings”

How our advice helped Robbie*

Robbie, 56, was in arrears with Council Tax and other debts after a relationship breakdown. He had over £15,000 in credit debts and was in arrears of £2,000 with his Council Tax who had instructed an enforcement agent to collect the outstanding balance. Citizens Advice supported him to access specialist debt advice, they undertook a benefits check to ensure he was receiving the benefits he was entitled to. We supported him with food and fuel vouchers and budgeting advice until his Debt Relief Order was approved Robbie is now debt free and receiving the appropriate benefits, he is now up to date with all his essential bills and is able to sleep at night.

* Names and certain details have been changed or omitted to preserve client anonymity

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