Our History

Citizens Advice services have been delivered in Doncaster Borough for over 50 years.

Citizens Advice Doncaster Borough exists to provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. We offer the advice people need for the problems they face today and seek to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives through research and campaigning. We work both on local issues and as part of a wider national network. We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.

Since the merger of Mexborough & District CAB and North East Doncaster CAB in 2017 we now offer a more strategically focused approach to holistic advice provision across the whole Doncaster Borough. During this time we have strengthened our relationships with stakeholders and local communities, we are better positioned to respond to community needs and the requests of DMBC. Our closer working relationship has allowed us to resolve issues earlier and with better outcomes than in the past. The mutual support provided feeds into not only our own service goals but wider service delivery goals.

Our future

As we move forward in a difficult and challenging cost of living climate where demands on the service provision and funding will be higher than ever.

  • We will continue to work hard to try to assist our clients to alleviate poverty and empower them to make informed choices on issues that impact their lives.
  • I promise I will continue to lead an innovative and forward thinking advice service which is responsive in its advice provision, open and engaged With, local partners and communities.
  • We will look to strengthen our volunteer offer given a varied, challenging, rewarding, enjoyable opportunities which make a valuable contribution and a positive impact on people’s lives.
  • We will continue to strengthen our offer to stakeholders and local communities, through partnership working.

AGM 2022

We held our AGM for 2022 in November at Cast Doncaster.

We want to extend a special thanks to our guest speakers Clare Moriarty and Rupert Suckling for their informative and engaging presentations which highlighted issues faced by clients of Citizens Advice in Doncaster and how the cost of living and post pandemic environment is impacting peoples health and wellbeing.

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