Call Us

Local general enquiry line: 01302 243057

You can get advice by calling us Monday to Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm

Textphone: 18001 0800 144 8884

We’ll answer as soon as we can – at busy times you might need to wait up to an hour. If the wait is long, we’ll tell you about other ways to get advice. You can also try calling again later.

The adviceline is usually busiest at the beginning and end of the day. It’s not available on public holidays.

If you call from a mobile, we’ll ask you to enter a local landline number on your keypad. This can be any number – we only use it to send your call to a local adviser if one’s available.

There are a few parts of England we don’t cover yet. If you’re in one of these areas, we’ll give you other options when you call.

Debt Adviceline Freephone: 0800 240 4420

Please call the the debt team to book an appointment: 01302 499330

We currently offer specialist debt advice by appointment only, these can face to face,telephone or webchat.

If you wish at make an appointment please call our debt team at the office you wish to attend. Our team offer advice on all debt matters including:

  • Mortgage arrears & repossessions
  • Priority debts like council tax and magistrates court fines
  • Non-priority debt, including credit cards, loans catalogues and mobile phones
  • Dealing with bailiffs
  • Personal Insolvency including Bankruptcy, IVA’s and DRO

Get help applying for Universal Credit

At Citizens Advice Doncaster Borough we can support you to make a new claim for Universal Credit, from opening your account to receiving your first full payment.

Call us for free: 0800 144 8444

You can get advice Monday – Friday between 8am and 6pm.

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